chat: ideas for FRP DOM library

By @MonoidMusician

btw are you familiar with event streams in FRP?
stuff like RxJS Observable

I know practically nothing about FRP
I’ve never really looked into it

okay, gotcha :)
the key idea is: “what if i have a value that changes over time?”
“i want to work with it as if it is a single value/object, but i need to know how to query it, or how to be notified when it changes, …” stuff like that
and it’s a bit more complicated in pure FP (for good reason), because there’s a difference between “i have a [global, or locally instantiated] timer that is running at a fixed interval” versus “i know how to make a new timer running at a fixed interval wherever it needs to appear” (it becomes instantiated for each subscriber separately)

Mmm yeah okay, so it’s another way of addressing state in functional programming

I’ve actually found it to be one of the worst ways 😅 it’s very very easy to let it turn into spaghetti code again … with implicit state everywhere

That sounds like a bit of a nightmare, but also most software techniques now that I think about it

but it makes sense as an idea, and it’s very appealing
and so many people have worked on the problem of “how do you integrate this with the web browser’s DOM”:
on the surface it seems pretty simple:

Yeah that sounds like a messy situation lmao

the advantage of avoiding the VDOM is obvious: you don’t have to diff or traverse data structures, you can just target the right part of the DOM directly
unfortunately the flip side is … how do you deal with nodes actually changing? even a simple TODO list demo app becomes difficult to structure
and if you figure out the TODO list, where only individual nodes are changing … what if you really do what to swap out whole subtrees? and do you write your own diffing logic at some point??

Ohhh god okay yeah that’s messed

(related problem that I find fascinating but have much less experience tackling: incremental computation! can you compute what changes in the DOM directly from how your state changes?)

one of the other tricky parts of FRP DOM library: you end up with very little guarantees that what your application thinks its state is, is what is reflected in the DOM, and vice-versa … those things are tricky to debug

that’s the basic lay of the land, next i’ll figure out what contributions i want to make haha

the big problem I want to solve is this:

  source :: Event Int = ...

  addSelf = (+) <$> source <*> source

if source emits 1, 2, 4, what does addSelf emit?


addSelf actually emits, uhh,

2, 3, 4, 6, 8

because it receives separate left and right events:

receive 1 on left  -> nothing on right yet, so no output
receive 1 on right -> emit 1+1 = 2
receive 2 on left  -> emit 2+1 = 3
receive 2 on right -> emit 2+2 = 4
receive 4 on left  -> emit 4+2 = 6
receive 4 on right -> emit 4+4 = 8

so my idea is that source needs to have two phases: first it pushes data through the graph, so that addSelf knows that it will see 2 on both sides, and then it will commit that data, so it will emit 2+2 = 4 without emitting 2+1 = 3

so I guess what that means is:

basically I want every external event that feeds into it to act as a transaction on the whole FRP graph at once, instead of propagating piecemeal through it. it should only result in one output event (unless more were explicitly introduced).