Gen Art Scratchpad

A really simple editor for generative art in JS

By @MonoidMusician

Press shift-space and ^.^



Live code on the left, see the result on the right. Changes apply onChange or ctrl/cmd+enter.

You have access to the ctx for the canvas, that is it. (But of course ctx.canvas will give you the canvas element itself.)

The bottom text input component is a label for the work of art, used to store it in localStorage. Changing it will load whatever is at the label, or save to it if it is blank (ctrl/cmd+enter will force saving to it).

The color input component live replaces whatever selection you have in the text area with the chosen hex color of the form #RRGGBB.

The canvas size is currently fixed to 1500x500. (TODO: make configurable.)

Press on the canvas to advance frames. Shift-click to keep/stop animating, or spacebar. (Shift+spacebar to enter/leave fullscreen as well.)

TODO: upscaling

TODO: make more interactive components.

TODO: autocomplete for names

TODO: proper JS editor???

ffmpeg -framerate 30 -i 'frame%04d.png' -vf scale=844:1500 -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 16 -profile:v high -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4